One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, October 22, 2010

The power of small...

Plant a word of love heart-deep in a person's life.
Nurture it with a smile and a prayer, and watch what happens.—Max Lucado

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What do you choose??

I feel overwhelmed with 'information" as the elections near. My prayer is that we take the time to cast our vote.. make our voice heard and at the same time..respect the differences of others.

For me, this election is not about.. taking sides.. its about all of us as a people choosing those folks who will work on behalf of "we the people" especially the most vulnerable!
We share this planet as one family..all of us want peace..a safe home..a good education..a living wage.. To many times I've heard, Oh be real, Peace will never come!  Justice will never come... safe housing will never come...  I choose to believe otherwise..

We will get what we choose..!! One step at a time.. One action at a time.. What do we choose?
Let our actions speak louder than any of our words..
 And yes.. it will take time..        Look at the community effort that brought 33 miners in Chile to the surface alive....In taking the time needed..with the sharing of many diverse gifts and talents..toward one goal!!! they accomplished their goal!!