One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Let's not forget..

photo by Assunta M Riley
I do not want to forget the members of our family that are still dealing with the after affects of storms, rains and mud slides. Out of sight out of mind can ring true all to often. Although these family members are no longer highlighted in the news they still need the support of our love and care. May the abundance of our love and care bring them all they need to keep moving forward each day.

Let us also remember our family members who also have little or no access to air conditioning  fans or pools, during the heat of these summer days.  May we each take a few minutes to send them our love and care so that they know they are not alone in their stress and frustration. Having AC can make me/us forget those who do not and the sweat and misery they face on these hot days. 

For all family members, all beings, that they may know our love for them and that the energy of this love and care will give them what they need to move through each day with strength and peace. We love you and we care about what is happening with you.

Don't wait...

If you do not express your own original ideas,
if you do not listen to your own being,
you will have betrayed yourself.
Also, you will have betrayed your community in
failing to make your contribution!
                                       Rollo May

A reminder..

You can become blind
by seeing each day as a similar one!
Each day is a different one,
Each day brings a miracle of its own!
It's just a matter of paying attention
to this miracle.
                                                    Paulo Coelho