One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, November 5, 2010

The oil spill impact continues..

This photo, along with others, was just made public by the Associated Press and the Lophelia 11 2010 Research Group.
Cain Burdeau of the Associated Press writes:
"For the first time, federal scientists have found damage to deep sea coral and other marine life on the ocean floor several miles from the blown-out BP well  --a strong indication that damage from the spill could be significantly greater than officials had previously acknowledged."

He continues: "Coral is essential to the Gulf because it provides a habitat for fish and other organisms such as snails and crabs, making any large-scale death of coral a problem for many species. It might need years, or even decades, to grow back."

BP just recently stated that they are ready to begin drilling again!!
How much of our Earth Family do we have to lose before we say enough!!

Forgive us Ocean Family, we humans truly do not know what we are doing!!

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