One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The layers of our lives..


As I looked at the many layers or petals in this beautiful rose all I could think of was ahhh "the many layers of our lives".  All beings are unique and complex..and move within that uniqueness and complexity on a daily basis.  How often I say of some one.. Oh I know her...! No I don't not really.. I know what has been chosen to be revealed..just as I am known by what I choose to reveal.  Do we ever really know an other's full story?
How amazing...fragile and sacred our family is!

Thank you dear Rose for reminding me of the uniqueness and complexity of each of our family members.  When I look and want to judge a behavior or an action.. may I be reminded that I don't know the whole story!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Light in the darkness...
The soft golden light permeating the darkness aptly describes what I have been experiencing or more learning this week...I am learning a new appreciation for clouds and the power of darkness.  Why do I usually equate darkness with negativity ...when.. as this beautiful image shows me..without the darkness the golden hues of light would not be seen as clearly and sharply.  I love this photo!

I also know ...that without the darkness of the night sky... stars would not be seen in their full brilliance...I know it...but do I appreciate the role of darkness in that display...Darkness...can be beautiful!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hovering presence...

What an incredible view of our cloud family!  I see the potential for humor and yet I do not want to minimize or diminish the magnitude of  cloud's presence.   What fullness and beauty..!  Feathery soft and at the same time boldly strong... I love how the waves of light highlight clouds edges. 

I wonder what cloud and stone might say to one another?   Is clouds hovering presence seen as threatening or welcoming?
What is my response when clouds hover over my life?  Do I automatically name cloud's presence as negative?  Can such a powerful presence be positive?  What determines how I choose to see?  Maybe I just have to wait... before I label the meaning of clouds presence to soon!

Thank you clouds, I am beginning to see you in a very different light!

Keen observer!!

For all their mischief squirrels are alert and focused when they want to accomplish something!  I have been learning this week just how quickly my focus can shift!  There was a sign about some up coming road work that I wanted to be sure to read before I got home. Just before the sign came up, I got curious about a man carrying a sign that he was putting up on the left hand side of the road. In that very brief shift..I missed the sign I really wanted to read!!

Squirrel, help me to become as focused as you are, when you have a mission you want to accomplish!!