One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving continues....

I had a wonderful week with my sister as we shared Thanksgiving together.  We have so much to be Thankful for and we tried to make Giving Thanks a part of each wonderful day.  Thanksgiving was very relaxed as we didn't do a big meal this year. We had a "ribs" dinner from the Texas Rhode House that we brought home the night before Thanksgiving.   We relaxed, talked, watched the Macy's parade and took a nap in the afternoon!
With the Christmas Season upon us we want to have a Christmas that truly reflects the meaning of the Season and once again take the time to give Thanks for our many blessings and enjoy being with one another.  We're going to limit our gift giving and try to help a family in need.

 I truly want to enjoy each day and do simple things that can put a smile on someones face without breaking the budget.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could hear folks saying.. they are enjoying this wonderful time again, rather than "can't wait for it to be over" because of stress and fatigue.

Let's see just how powerful giving simple gifts can be in lifting someones spirits and bringing peace and joy to one another..!!! 

Some of the simple gifts for me include, holding doors open for each other, being patient in a long line, looking into the eyes of someone and smiling, saying thank you with a warm grateful heart, and telling those we love.. just how much we love and appreciate them.  Taking time to be with... for a cup of coffee or an ice cream sundae with friends and family. 

Playing games together!!  My sis bought an updated version of Monopoly and we are going to play when I go back for Christmas.

Thank you for the gift of you.. and enjoy giving the simple priceless gifts to one another!!

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