One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Change focus...


When there is so much pain drawing our attention, can we focus more on the jewels of beauty and goodness that are also calling for our attention!   For me, seeing such jewels, helps me to move forward and not get stuck in depression or grief.

Sending our love and prayers to our sisters and brothers in Japan, human and non human, can give them the strength to move forward as well. 

At times like this I also hold on to Jesus words: "Life is changed, not taken away"!  Peace and love to you!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Let your light shine....


As we see so much pain in our world..may we know and trust that The Source of All Life is with us.. All That Is comes from the Light and Love of Divine Energy!

The Source of All That Is.. has the bigger picture...we are moving toward growth and fullness and growth often has "growing pains".  Mother Earth is birthing newness and healing from all that She has endured.  Her pain is a call to us to open our eyes to how our choices have impacted her and continue to impact her. Will we heal or will we hurt?

Our world needs the Love and Light that we have to share. A simple smile can change some one"s day.. some one's life.  We must be the change that we seek! 

Jesus said: " Our Sorrow will be turned into Joy! "  I trust in this birthing process that our sorrows will indeed be turned into joy. We can initiate that process even the words we speak, the actions we take, and what we choose to focus our thoughts on!  If we are what we eat... then we also are what we choose to see and hear on a moment to moment, daily basis. 

Several years ago during a painful time in my life when I was questioning my worth and abilities, I heard gently within "you are a golden being of Light"!   You are far more than you think you are. I was thrown off guard..I would never have thought to see myself in that way! I had been stuck in seeing my limitations and thinking that everyone else was greater and more talented than I.

We are all beings of light and love.. with much more to offer than we could ever imagine. To often we dismiss the so called "simple gifts"...affection, encouragement, comfort, play, joy, laughter, gentle safe touch... a word of appreciation or forgiveness... We might think they "don't amount to much" in the long run...yet it is the "simple gifts" that are treasured for a life time. 

I hurt my back many years ago and could not get out of bed.. One of the sisters I lived with, offered to bathe me as I lay on my bed!  It was a  humbling experience for both of us, and I have never forgotten her gift of love.

Let each of our unique expressions of Love and Light pour fourth!  Be willing to receive as well as to give!
Watch and enjoy the impact as you share your light and love!

Thursday, March 17, 2011



I don't understand the fullness of all
that is going on...
I trust Your Love!!!

Love one another...

image:Reuters Japan Kim Kyung-Hoon 
"A woman shares her food with her dog at an evacuation center for pets and their owners near an area devastated by an earthquake and tsunami in Kesennuma, north Japan March 17, 2011"

With all that our sisters and brothers in Japan are going through...this picture, for me, captured the love and strength of the people of Japan!  

Let us pray and send forth energies of love and support that a nuclear melt down may be averted in all of the reactors.  Strength and protection to all those risking their lives in this effort.