One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Loving support needed...

Please take a few minutes to send love and prayer energy to all Beings in the path of Hurricane Irene, and ask Sisters Water and Wind, in their stirrings and movement, to do only what needs to be done for the health and benefit of all beings!

At the same time may we also remember all affected by the earthquake in Peru!!  Our Family definitely needs our care and support today!!  Thank you.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Light your fire..
The golden fire of a setting sun breaks through the darkness of night!  What is it that ignites your fire, your passion...your deepest love? 

What one thing would you speak out on...?  stand up for?  Speak to people about from your heart?

What if we each shared with each other our "heart felt passion"....?  What a gift we would give to each other!
What a difference we could make in our world...!! 

The darkness of negativity, cynicism, criticism and depression is changed when we share the fire of our love with each other!  The little things matter... a smile, a gentle touch, a thoughtful word....AND

What if we expanded our light by sharing "the passion of our heart".? 
Your love of healthy eating can change lives....
Your love of children can change lives...
Your ability to speak more than one language can change lives...
Your love of music and dance can heal and bring new life....
Your love of travel can open the hearts of those who fear unknown cultures and  different life styles...
Your love of sports can bring hope and new understanding by bringing folks together toward a shared goal...
Your appreciation and respect of those with special needs, can shine the light of giftedness where many see only loss and lack of ability...
Your love of art and painting can gift others with the ability to see more clearly the vibrant beauty of which they are a part...
Your love of debate can offer insights on critical issues...especially for those whose voices are not heard...
Your love of gardening can bring a renewed understanding and appreciation for Mother Earth and all the creatures who feed and sustain us on a daily basis,
Your love of animals can help us to appreciate and respect all beings for the gifts that they share that we may be unaware of..

Let your light shine...ignite the fire of your passion and know the difference you can and will make for yourself and all of your family in the web of life.