One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

More family members need prayer..

So many people and places are in need of support and care as they experience difficult and painful times and events. I just read that there was a strong earthquake in northeast India and Nepal along with the pain at the air show and the violence in our cities and towns.  And let's not forget our sisters and brothers of the natural world, the animals and plants..they too suffer in an even more direct manor from earthquakes, storms and violence since their habitats have been destroyed and demolished

Would you please take a minute and send your love and prayer to them.  Just to know that others are thinking of you at a difficult time can often give one the strength to take the next step!

May all beings know of our love and our care, we send you strength, love and peace.  May cities, towns  villages and countries come together as the family that they can be for the benefit of all in that city, town, village and country. We love you and we are with you in your pain.  We are all one family and we care about each and every member!!

Just to cute...

photo: Caters News

The picture of this Albino seal was just
to cute to pass up!  Thank you for
making my day!!