One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Simple yet Powerful and Beautiful..

I was just thinking about the words "Mother Earth" and was lovingly jolted to see and realize that the First initial in each of the Words spelled ME... I think that Mother Earth wants us to know that we are intimately related.. what do you think?

All or Nothing is a pain in the neck!!

Hello and welcome.. this week has had me swinging between "doing more" for Mother Earth and feeling that I'm "not doing enough"!! This was triggered when I was made aware that, with all my words about love of Mother Earth, I wasn't even recycling paper! I was using to much plastic and using too much water....! This spiral of not doing was a royal pain in the neck, as I know in my head I can not do everything, but my ego says "Yes you must if you really mean what you say. The fear is, if I can not do everything, will I give in to the worst case scenario and do absolutely nothing!!! What I realized; and I have to say I am aware of my doing it.. not happy with it, but aware; my choices are not limited to "all or nothing". That's a limit I place on myself and I get stuck there. Soooo I begin again, with the choice to do what I can as best I can WITHOUT GUILT! I chose to recycle the paper that comes into my home, mail, adds and catalogue's; and the paper that I use in my home, computer papers of all kinds, cardboard and envelopes. We hear often, "take one step at a time", yet, in our culture one step is not enough and far to slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww! However, for me.. One step at a time makes a lot of sense and slow allows for a fuller awareness of what I am doing. It makes sense.. now I have to choose to be aware and Act. and in addition, I will do it with Joy.. Make it fun.. and try not to take myself so seriously!