One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Songs of joy that warm the heart!!

I got to know these beautiful little birds (Chic ca dee's)when I was given the gift of a bird feeder. I had never had a bird feeder before and couldn't wait to choose the feed and put it up and see who it would attract. I chose feed that would attract small birds because I figured the bigger birds could take care of themselves. What a joy when they showed up at the feeder and settled in to enjoy their food. I loved hearing their gentle song and watching them dance with one another as they took their places at the feeder. I never imagined it could be so much fun to just watch and listen...! I also had a few good laughs when these intelligent little birds out witted the larger birds and often the squirrels when they tried to take over the feeder. Each year the Chic ca dee's faithfully returned knowing there would be food to nurish them. So much joy and song given in response to the simple act of nurishing members of our family. If you have never had a bird feeder.. give it a try and enjoy, watch and listen!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Less...can be a gift of LOVE!

What a weekend..A great Super Bowl Game and now Big snow possibilities..time to stay put with a good book! Also time to go through my "stuff" and choose that which I really want and that which I can pass on. After seeing the video on line "The Story of Stuff" I do not want to be contributing to land fills..The fewer land fills we have the better for Mother Earth. What if I had to live near a land fill? It's easier to think about them in the abstract until I realize that our brothers and sisters live near them and are affected by the gases they put forth. So how do I do less.. believe it or not I found a very positive way for me..Choose what I need .. and make sure that what I choose I really LOVE. I take the time to find what really appeals to me and then every time I wear it I'm happy. How many of us have "stuff" in our closets that we bought on the spur of the moment cause we wanted it.. and have probably only worn it once! Now I choose what I love and I am very happy with what I have. This applies to any purchase not just clothes. I don't need to have lots..but what I have I love, wear and use on a regular basis. If I'm not using it and its in good condition, I like the term gently worn, I give it away. For me as well, I'd rather pay a little more and have what I purchase last longer. I remember buying an outfit that I really loved but after the first wash it literally fell apart. Soo now I am more careful about where I shop as well as what I shop for. I enjoy wearing things I love..and doing so tends to help me be more aware of the gift of being ME! So less does not have to be painful.. just mindful.