One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Why would I be surprised that Earth and all beings are a mirror of myself?

Snake!!!!! Label or real..

I went to A-Z Animals and chose snake as I have been dodging snake for a while. I'm not sure if my fear of snakes has come more from word of mouth than an actual encounter. I have not met many snakes in my life time! Snake seems to have dual roles. Snake is often used to represent evil and at the same time, is a symbol of healing. Will the real snake please stand up!
It is snake's quickness and often unexpected appearance that makes me uncomfortable. Yet I know so little about it fair to make a judgement? Many folks love snake and can easily see her/his gifts.
Like snake, we too have our shadow side..the parts of ourselves that remain hidden and can spark quick and unexpected appearances; until we take the time to look, feel and heal.
One aspect of snake that I had never thought much about was snake's vulnerability! There comes a time in snake's life when she/he sheds their entire skin and remains totally vulnerable until a new skin is grown!!
What a powerful visual for the process of growth that we all share and the courage that is required!
Thank you snake for teaching me by your example what it takes to bring forth new life. Thank you too for helping me to see that you are more than the "labels" that we humans have used to describe you for so long. Somehow, for me, knowing of your own vulnerability helps me to understand and appreciate you more.
Life long labels, do not tell the whole story. We have to be willing to see beyond the label and get to know the real identity of all beings!

Watching and waiting..

Thanks again to Beautiful Free Pictures I was drawn to this image which speaks to me of simply watching and waiting..not always easy! There are days I just love to sit on my deck and enjoy all that is around me. Even as I gaze out the window, when I take the time to watch and wait I am often gifted with an unexpected treasure.

Friday, August 6, 2010

It takes a village..

Every strand is necessary for the completeness of the whole...!


all that is budding within you
and around you...!
Thank you to BeautifulFreePictures for this image.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Patience full view...

..the time it takes for sea water to smooth stone...and for stone to become sand...and I thought I was patient...!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


My love and nourishment...!

Done...and not done..

Now that BP has supposedly capped the oil leak, and the oil seems to have disappeared the urgency to restore what has been lost seems to rapidly be waning. The report that "Mother Nature has done her part" in ending the crisis caught my attention. Mother Nature is doing her part and has been doing her part.. my concern is that we as a human species must do our part as well. I think it's to early to wipe the slate clean as there are many unknowns. Has the oil just disappeared or has it just changed form and thus seem to no longer be visible in its impact. Much still needs to be done if we are truly to restore the whole Gulf area and that restoration is not and can not be a quick fix if we truly want health and vibrant life for all life in the months and years to come. Let's not declare done too soon!