One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A reminder...

When I saw this picture, the words that came to me were:
 "All Mothers want the best for their children!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dream with me...

What if we dreamed a new dream as humans on this beautiful Mother Earth...and not just dreamed  it..but chose moment by moment to bring this dream into being?  What would you dream?

What if we chose to do the things we love on a regular basis.. alone and with friends?
What if we purchased only what we needed...but loved it?
What if everyone was given the opportunity and help they needed to own a home of their own?

What if families took the time to share and enjoy meals together?
What if we began to see all waters, grasses, flowers, plants and animals as part of us, with the right to be what they are?

Would you take a minute in the comment section and add your dream?  I'd love to post "our dream" and invite others to join us in living it now!!!

Come...Dream with me...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

There is light...

With all the news of so much pain in our world family especially in Egypt and Australia..I needed to be reminded that even in deep darkness light can still be found. The key to finding it is that I am willing to see!

There are times in our lives however, when we are not able to see the light..because our pain and sorrow blinds us. Hopefully during those times we will have the courage ask for help and support.

Often light can break through the darkness in a very gentle manner. The light that broke through the darkness for me this week was the gift of not one but two acts of kindness when I needed help navigating dark ice on two different occasions. I was willing to ask and my need was met by two beautiful and caring women.

Seek the light and it shall be found!!!

Praying Globally...

On Thursday Feb. 10th from 7:00-7:30 there will be a Global Meditation for Mother Earth. A link for more information can be found at  If you are on fb you can find the Global Meditation  link there as well. The meditation can be done right where you are. If the meditation doesn't fit for you, simply be with all gathered in the prayer of your choice.

 A copy of the meditation is on the Global Meditation site. (When I went to the site to dowload a copy of the meditation I initially couldn't find it. When I clicked  on older posts, the site link is given in response to a question from a fb participant.  The site is in German but there are English and French translations of the meditation to easily download on the site.)

This is simply an effort to gather as many together as possible so that TOGETHER we can send the fullness of our love energy to Mother Earth for her healing.  Lets be together on behalf of Mother Earth!

Things are not always what they appear..

When I see butterfly's tiny legs and small soft wings I am in awe of what butterfly can accomplish!  I guess I was looking at being small as a disadvantage yet that is not necessarily so. It's all in how we use our gifts and talents. When being small is an issue for butterfly his/her wings can provide flight as needed.

I wonder if butterfly remembers what life was like as a caterpillar?  Imagine knowing a life of crawling on the ground and then transforming into a life of wings and flight!  Talk about two very different perspectives, whew!!

On those days when I consider myself or my gifts small and "not enough" may I be reminded of butterfly and shift my focus and thoughts to the power of small!