One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Dear Dandylion,

How often I played with you when I was a kid, 
and if I am honest I still like playing with you as an adult.
I love your vibrant color and am in awe when 
you transform into your delicate puffy white ball.
I love blowing on your tender seedlings and watching them fly all around me.
I have a hard time, hearing folks refer to you as weeds and want you off their lawns.

As I look at you today, much older in years, I am asking your help in understanding the 
the gift of Transformation. 
To let go of your many vibrant yellow stems and become that delightful puffy white ball,
takes courage and trust that you are truly not gone, but have taken on a different form.

Transformation is truly a part of the life process but I have not really taken the time 
to see it all around me and WITHIN ME!
Growth is a Transforming process...beautiful and yet fearful.
You change...I change..

I used to think that change "just happens", it's a part of all life.
Some of that is true, yet what I have to be more aware of is 
HOW I will embrace or deny this change.
Will I do it in fear and helplessness
Will I do it with Courage, Trust and Love,
aware that I do not walk alone without guidance, LOVE and support!!!

Other times, changes CAN ONLY OCCUR

Am I willing to see something I have always believed, in a new light?
Am I willing to trust and reach out for help when I need it?
Am I willing to forgive and let go of past hurts to be 
more open to embracing life more fully?
Am I willing to listen without judgement to diverse perspectives?
Am I willing to walk with someone I have never walked with before
hearing their story first hand and embracing their diversity?

Transformation is a slow process and for that I am grateful,
even if I want it completed yesterday.

Dear Dandylion, in your simplicity and beauty
you teach me so much. Thank you for reminding me, 
as well, 
that as we move through this transformative process, we must 
keep our sense of humor active and take time for joy and fun.