One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Rock solid and yet...

The power of change is with us whether we see it or not.  I am in awe as to how gentle water can wear away the most solid of rocks..yes, it is over a period of time..yet it happens consistently.  Change is constant in so many ways can I become more comfortable with that reality?

How do I look at change? With the eyes of fear and uncertainty..or with the eyes of newness and even adventure, confident that I have all I need for the present moment!  I tend more toward seeing with the eyes of fear and uncertainty and I want to move more consciously and steadily toward seeing with newness, adventure and confidence. 

Staying in the moment definitely helps me to see with newness and even adventure because the daily things take on a slower and more "in touch" reality.  Thank you water and stone for opening my eyes to a more positive understanding of change!

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