One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day...Every Day..
As we celebrate and honor Earth today, may each day be an Earth Day as we realize more and more how much a part of Earth we are.  As we move through Holy Week and the life..death and Resurrection of Jesus, may we also honor the life and death of all the life forms that nourish the web of life on a daily basis.

As we offer grace before our meals may we choose to remember all the beings who have given their lives that we might celebrate and share food with our loved ones and family.  Gently survey your table and note the variety of beings that have given their lives.

This is not meant to make us down hearted and guilty but to make us aware of the many members in the web of life who generously give of themselves to feed us daily.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Out of darkness and death...
comes Light

Thank you for the gift of Life...
May the Resurrection of Jesus strengthen our faith and renew our hope that one day all Earth’s peoples will live in peace and in harmony with all creation.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Have some fun!!
If we are to thrive...
we need to do just this...
Have some FUN!!!!


I love the rich deep blue of sister water in this photo!
It is amazing, awesome and beautiful to note the many colors and shades sister water becomes!  Kind of like the flow of our own diverse feelings and energies! 

As we draw in the beauty of water's color and energy may we also remember and pray for our sisters and brothers who just experienced severe weather patterns in the form of tornadoes.

I read this morning of several homes in which every room was destroyed except for the room in which folks had huddled together. What pain and what joy!!  I do not understand or have the big picture for all that is going on..but I do trust the unconditional Love of our Creator.