One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hide and Seek..

I see you Gorilla..and I also see what looks like a smile of mischief on your face!  It's nice to know that our family members in the natural world also enjoy fun and play.   Thank you for showing us your fun side and reminding us to show ours!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Am I really listening?

Listen with the intent to understand...
rather than the intent to reply!
Steven Covey

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Even in the shadows of the night..

I am with you...Peace
Do not be afraid...
image taken from beautifulfreepictures

Courage and Strength..

Sometimes it takes all we have just to be..
When the soil is dry and pain and death make us
feel so fragile..
We Bloom Where We Are Planted!!
My heart goes out to all of our sisters and brothers human and non human who are suffering and in pain tonight. The evening news gave me a heavy heart..and I walk my path.. I do not know the full stories of all Our Relations.. So I trust that each of us..rooted in the Love of the Source of Life.. Will Bloom Where We
Are Planted!!!
image taken from beautifulfreepictures

Monday, September 6, 2010

Savoring grass...

I never take grass for granted! 
Do you?

Listen up...

Bird seems to be saying.. you've forgotten how unique and special the Grass family is!! So many of us depend on them for food. comfort and beauty!  Don't forget the diversity and necessity of the Grass Family! 

Thank you dear Bird for the reminder. Grasses have become so common in our lives it is all to easy to forget and not thank them.  I love the softness of grass under my feet.. the smell of grass after the rain, and the beauty grass brings to so many open spaces and homes!

Each leaf...

unique and different..
our families, our children
image from BeautifulFreePictures

The miracle of diversity.. seen in this image of a leaf from a Banana Tree!
image from BeautifulFreePictures


each new awareness
 that brings growth and fullness!
We are never to old
to grow and change!
image: BeautifulFreePictures