One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fully Alive...
How often do we speak of our energy as being full or low during the day...without making the connection that this same energy is what keeps us alive and connects us with all that IS!! 

Many of us grew up thinking that "Creation was done" and we had the gift of living and enjoying our Home.
More and more we are all coming to know that our Home, Mother Earth is alive and growing daily.  Expansion and growth is a part of all that exist even when we can not see it.  WOW!!

When Earth "quakes" or moves, our Mother is doing something needed for her growth.  Some of earth's quakes are a response to humans invading earth's space in a toxic manner in a desire for more and more.

When we lose our sense of connectedness to our mother, we treat her body like a dump rather than in a way that respects her sacredness and life.

When we as humans take things into our bodies that make us ill.. we take immediate steps to regain a healthy balance.. More and more I am realizing that our Mother does the very same thing.
When she takes in things that are not healthy, she too, must take steps to regain a healthy balance.The sad thing is that when humans do not respect her as a living Being, she has to work extra hard and long to right the balance of all her being!   Ultimately.. what we do to Mother Earth, we do to ourselves.

Thank you dear Mother for your life and beauty...may we grow daily in our awareness of your incredible life and beauty and act in ways that nourish and reverence you.