One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, August 2, 2012

What if...?
Rose bud is both fragile and incredibly strong..
She honors the unfolding process from
bud to bloom
and does not try to alter that movement
 in any way.
She respects her needs
at each step of her flowering
and is not afraid to wait...
for the proper time
of birthing newness.

What if we gave ourselves
that same gift
in our own journey
of unfolding and birthing newness?
Like Rose Bud
may we too
respect our needs
and not be afraid
to wait
and take the time we need
in our own
birthing of newness!
In gifting ourselves ...
we also gift
those we love..
as they witness
our new attentiveness
to our needs
and our choosing
to slow our pace
rather than quicken it!!
the peace and beauty
a slowed pace
 and attentiveness
to our needs.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Please remember....
Let us remember our sisters and brothers
in Syria
who are trying to live their lives 
in the midst of violence and death.

Send them love, strength, peace, hope
and your prayers that let them know
they are not alone.
May Peace be the outcome
for all those who have
given their lives
for its birth in their country.