One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, December 26, 2011

Embrace your magnificence....

Clark Little /SW NS 
On this new day...for this new year...
Look in the mirror
and recognize
the beauty of you...
say Creator's Love
pulsating through every part of you
Always and Forever....!
Take Creator's hand
and walk anew....

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Take a minute please..

photo:Assunta M. Riley
Please take a few minutes to send thoughts of love, peace and strength
 to our family in the Philippines.
 They are experiencing intense rain and severe flooding.
A caring thought can make a big difference
in a life!  Thank you.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Do you see?...

Clark Little/SW NS
I was sent an email with incredible pictures taken by Clark Little and I wanted to share the one posted here as it reflects the words of Teithard de Chardin in a Christmas Card I received.

"We imagine the Divine
as distant and inaccessible,
whereas in fact
we live steeped
in its burning layers"

May we open our eyes and truly see the Divine
 all around us
and within us!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Little things can mean a lot!

As we move through this beautiful Christmas Season I have decided to have fun and great joy in doing little things with full attention, and to give gifts of the heart rather than spending beyond my means.

Like a Christmas elf I will be holding the door open for some one with a big smile and a simple "have a good day"...saying thank you while looking the person right in the eye and meaning it from the heart...

When I witness some one doing an act of kindness.. I will thank them for it and let them know it lifted my spirits...Give family and friends heart felt hugs.. leave little notes of love and thanks tucked under a dinner plate or in a lunch box..

Spending beyond our means only adds stress and pressure rather than joy, love and fun. Over the years my twin sister has given me gifts that are expressions of love and care rather than spend what she doesn't have to make me happy at Christmas.  Her gifts of the heart truly enliven me and the best part is I never grow tired of reading them. 

One year I got a beautiful letter of love, typed on Christmas paper with an eye catching bow! To read of my sisters love and appreciation for me, meant more than all the packages in the world. Her  letter  warmed my heart and continues to do so, as I  read it when ever I need to be reminded that I am loved.

Another time..when I came to visit, no specific holiday, she put a simple bouquet of flowers on the table beside the bed where I would be sleeping with a little note.  I felt special and treasured.  The little things that we do.. mean a lot!!

I'm looking forward to "making some one's day" in my own simple way each day of the season and into the new year. Let's not underestimate the power of simple gifts from the heart to bring joy, peace and hope!!

Let the light of love shine forth and may this Christmas be the best ever!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Just enjoy....
See the beauty here...
See the beauty
within yourself...
Enjoy Being YOU!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

We need each other!!
I needed to be reminded today of the gift we have in each other and all of the Beings that make up our world family!!   In order for each and all of us to be fully who we are...we need to recognize our connectedness to one another.

All of the Beings in this photo bring forth the beauty of each and every part!  Without each contribution there would be no "completeness"!  We may focus on the blossoms...yet ..they would not be in such focus without the contribution of all the other family members!

I was just wondering...what life could be like if we truly took note of and embraced the gifttedness of all in the web of life?  And I am not referring to just the gifts of "doing"....but also the gifts of "being"!! 

When I did parish work, I remember warmly a young man who could not speak and had to use a wheel chair!!  He had challenges, yes!!   Gifts..yes..!!  .His smile alone..would light up a whole room... if you were having a bad day..his smile would warm your heart and lift your spirits..  He understood what was going on around him and his facial expressions and gestures let you know how he felt.  He loved music and I enjoyed both the music and watching him, enjoying the music! 

What gifts, talents and treasures do we never become aware of  because we choose to ignore, label, and dismiss folks who are different from us?   She's old...He's an Indian and lives on a reservation...she can't speak English...he's got a funny name..what does he know? 

Let's take some time this week to get to know a member of our family that we might have closed our eyes and hearts to before!!  What are we missing that could enrich us all? 

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Heart of the matter.. 
As we get closer to Thanksgiving it saddens me that this time of "giving thanks" seems to be jumped over and dismissed as less important than getting good deals on black Friday for Christmas..with black Friday now sliding back to black Thursday eve!!

For me Giving Thanks is the heart of daily living!  Each breath we gift...all Beings in the community of life give of themselves daily that all may grow and thrive.  As we choose our foods, snacks, treats and drinks let us remember how they came to us.

How many turkeys will give their lives that we may enjoy their crisp skin, moist meat and plump legs!

How many workers endure long hours in a field or on a truck to bring us all that nourishes us...!

And now, how many workers will have to cut short their time with family and loved ones because they are working late and long hours both Thursday eve and all day Friday. Yes jobs are necessary and money is tight...but...this is one day set aside for Giving Thanks!  How often do we take the time to do just that with those we love..?  Later...Of course I'm grateful but right now I need to get...? 

 Many of us have read about or know of times and situations where because of unexpected events, words of love and thanks to loved ones NEVER get expressed!  Oh I wish I had told him or her..I wish we had taken more time with....How much it means to each of us to hear..thank you...I love you... 

Giving Thanks is a gift of the heart to all we love and to the Source of ALL Life Who Is Love...
I pray we can find it in our hearts to take the time to Give Thanks...and may that expression of thanks be for us a treasured time of being with, in joy, laughter, hugs, fun and the making of lasting memories.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gentle offering..


The simple grace and beauty of this flower touches my heart. It's almost like she offers herself to us to be seen enjoyed and loved!!    She got me!  Hope she touches your heart too.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

New Life..
What new life is birthing within you??
Give yourself some nesting time
in order to recognize and celebrate
the birth pains!
Celebrate your newness
Give Thanks
for the gift of New Life!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Surprise... And what a surprise it was to be digging out from a BIG snow storm just before Halloween!!  I was helping a friend pack up boxes as she was getting ready to move, and we lost power for three days!! What a joy it was to flick a switch and have light appear on that third day!  I am now even more grateful for both light and heat.

Lets remember those who are still without power and those experiencing storms and earthquakes and the ramifications of each. 

It's amazing that today I was out without a jacket enjoying bright sun and a soft breeze!!  Everything seems to be in transition!!  May we be gentle with ourselves and all we meet in this transition time!

I'll be back more regularly with the blog in a few days. I am learning to honor my needs and set better boundaries toward that purpose.

Love and peace to you and know that you are beautiful as you are, not as you think you "should be"!!
May Winter's sudden appearance help us to be open to all the "surprises" of our days!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Please pray for...

our sisters and brothers
 in Central and South America who
are living with the results of recent heavy rain. Take a minute
to send them your love and concern, which will give them
strength and hope.
Let us also remember
all of the creatures affected by the rains,
their habitats destroyed.  Thank you.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Simple things can become special blessings...

My sister was with me this past weekend and we went to Great Harvest Bread Co. for breakfast.
They have a wonderful sandwich called "The Gorilla"; mashed bananas, natural peanut butter and granola on the bread of your choice, then grilled.. you can add bacon if you choose.

The last time I was there, I was told that until they could get good bananas they were not offering "The Gorilla!" So this time I came prepared, I brought my own banana. Everyone had a good laugh when they saw my yellow banana. I chose NOT to have a Gorilla and had their egg and cheese sandwich instead. End of "banana story"? NO!

After my sister and I had sampled Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread, so moist, Blueberry Bread and Pumpkin Scones topped with a Maple Spread, we sat down for our breakfast!

As we were eating, one of the servers came over to our table and asked me if she could purchase my banana! Purchase I said take it..! A family had come into the bakery and their child was all excited about having "The Gorilla"!! My banana was needed for the sandwich! I was delighted as to how things turned out and couldn't believe that a simple banana was blessing so many!!

The server blessed me with a coupon for a free loaf of bread...and a Pumpkin Chocolate Chip bread would be coming home with me because of her generosity.

What started out as a playful joke, turned out to be a beautiful blessing! My sister and I decided that from now on when we come to Great Harvest...I was in charge of making sure we had a beautiful yellow banana!

Think about the simple joys of every day....and try not to take them for granted...! Your coffee...your fresh cheese...even your bananas!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

As we moved through the rainy days with the sun peeping in and out I realized that I had a choice about how I would "look at" gray, rainy days!

 I often see the gray of the rainy days and determine ah what a gray rainy day..and that is not just an observation of the elements of the day but my "label" for how the day will be.  Gray and rain = yuck!!

I have chosen to see those gray rainy days in a different way... Like the brilliant golden yellow of this rose.. I now try to "Be the Sun" , on those gray rainy days.. If the sun is not visible.. I will be the sun for myself and those I come in contact with.  What a difference a smile can be for some one. I can do that.! I can acknowledge those I meet with a simple Good Morning..! 

I was walking down a long hall to an appointment when a woman passed me wearing a vibrant colored top that just made her I said" That color top is wonderful on you!"  She was taken off guard.. surprised and then said.. "You made my day!!"  Wow...her words brought my day more alive as well...Sooooooooo

When the gray days appear..I will Be the Sun as best I can... Like the song said many years ago : "You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine.. you make me happy when days are gray"....
Oh yes... and when the rains were not heavy, I chose to enjoy being showered by each and every drop!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

All for one and one for all..
All the elements of this photo are needed
to reflect the full beauty of the Rose..
We too, are meant to grow alone and together...
May we reach out and trust the gift of each other!

Beauty and Simplicity...
A dance of Beauty and Simplicity..
Let us BE who we are..
and allow others the same Gift!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

More family members need prayer..

So many people and places are in need of support and care as they experience difficult and painful times and events. I just read that there was a strong earthquake in northeast India and Nepal along with the pain at the air show and the violence in our cities and towns.  And let's not forget our sisters and brothers of the natural world, the animals and plants..they too suffer in an even more direct manor from earthquakes, storms and violence since their habitats have been destroyed and demolished

Would you please take a minute and send your love and prayer to them.  Just to know that others are thinking of you at a difficult time can often give one the strength to take the next step!

May all beings know of our love and our care, we send you strength, love and peace.  May cities, towns  villages and countries come together as the family that they can be for the benefit of all in that city, town, village and country. We love you and we are with you in your pain.  We are all one family and we care about each and every member!!

Just to cute...

photo: Caters News

The picture of this Albino seal was just
to cute to pass up!  Thank you for
making my day!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Wisdom of our young...
I found this link on face book and I had to help it go more widely.  Listen as a young woman gives us a wake up call in claiming her future and the future of all our children!! (She speaks in English)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Been There..Done That...
How many times have I tried to "bite off more than I could chew!"
It runs in the family!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Need...or .....Greed?
I recently received a letter from a group called "Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue"  The words "Stop The Meat Men" jumped out from the page.  Draft horses are considered to be very meaty and are bought at auction to be slaughtered. 

According to Gentle Giants, nearly 100,000 American horses are being trucked to Canada and Mexico for slaughter this year, with many being draft horses.  Their meat will be served on restaurant dinner tables in Europe and Japan.  There is no U.S. ban on horse slaughter!!   Three years ago the three remaining horse slaughter facilities were closed down at the state level due to public outrage.

"Efforts to pass the Equine Cruelty Act, which would have banned horse slaughter nation wide, died un-voted on in the Senate.  Furthermore, there are reportedly 12 states that are considering or working to pass legislation to allow the operation of horse slaughter facilities!!"

"The large draft horse breeds are especially sought out by the meat buyers, prized for their size as well as the fact that they are easy to fatten and have lots of muscle. Selling horses for meat is a lucrative and easy business, as horse meat is considered a delicacy  and is in high demand in countries like France, Belgium and Japan.

The above news was hard enough to take but my heart broke when they spoke of how the slaughter was  carried out! "Butchering in Canada and Mexico is a gruesome fate."  There is no USDA Inspector to supervise how the horses must be slaughtered.

"In Canada, the "captive bolt" method is not enforced for every horse, therefore, some may be slaughtered still conscious and struggling"   In Mexico, frightened horses are stabbed between their shoulders repeatedly until they drop to the ground bleeding, in pain and disabled."

Yes.. this is painful to read and I truly wonder... when will we humans  recognize and honor  the sacredness of all of the animals  and treat them accordingly.  When is enough..ENOUGH.. botth in the why we do something and the how?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Yes, there is Good News!!
Some days it's hard to believe that there is any such thing as GOOD news!  I am realizing that Good News is definitely available...I just have to take a little time to find it!  Good News can even come out of very difficult circumstances!

 All to often Good News is in my face...but I am blind to it because I don't take the time to really see it. I also take Good News  for granted rather than see it for the gift and blessing that it is!  A safe home...a healthy body...good sight and hearing.. a thoughtful service provider...a patient driver...thoughtful deeds by both loved ones and strangers...just to mention a few of the "taken for granted" gifts.

What does it take for us to truly see the Good News that is all around us?   For the rest of this month let's open our eyes and ears to all the Good News available to us, and  enjoy the uplifted spirits as we take in  the positive energy!

By the way...We can BE Good News as well...What is stopping us!!! 

Monday, September 5, 2011

All of me...
I love this picture as it reminds me that beauty has its light and dark side..the beauty of the blossom and the sting of the thorns.  Both are a part of the whole.  Thank you for reminding me dear flower that my beauty also has its shadow side, and that this darker side is part of the fullness of who I am as a human being.

I don't always want to recognize or even acknowledge my ego self speaking forth in my judgements, my assumptions, my arrogance, my projections, my procrastination or my talking to much rather than listening!  All is a part of me and when I can acknowledge and accept them, I can also choose to limit their impact in my life and in the lives of others!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Loving support needed...

Please take a few minutes to send love and prayer energy to all Beings in the path of Hurricane Irene, and ask Sisters Water and Wind, in their stirrings and movement, to do only what needs to be done for the health and benefit of all beings!

At the same time may we also remember all affected by the earthquake in Peru!!  Our Family definitely needs our care and support today!!  Thank you.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Light your fire..
The golden fire of a setting sun breaks through the darkness of night!  What is it that ignites your fire, your passion...your deepest love? 

What one thing would you speak out on...?  stand up for?  Speak to people about from your heart?

What if we each shared with each other our "heart felt passion"....?  What a gift we would give to each other!
What a difference we could make in our world...!! 

The darkness of negativity, cynicism, criticism and depression is changed when we share the fire of our love with each other!  The little things matter... a smile, a gentle touch, a thoughtful word....AND

What if we expanded our light by sharing "the passion of our heart".? 
Your love of healthy eating can change lives....
Your love of children can change lives...
Your ability to speak more than one language can change lives...
Your love of music and dance can heal and bring new life....
Your love of travel can open the hearts of those who fear unknown cultures and  different life styles...
Your love of sports can bring hope and new understanding by bringing folks together toward a shared goal...
Your appreciation and respect of those with special needs, can shine the light of giftedness where many see only loss and lack of ability...
Your love of art and painting can gift others with the ability to see more clearly the vibrant beauty of which they are a part...
Your love of debate can offer insights on critical issues...especially for those whose voices are not heard...
Your love of gardening can bring a renewed understanding and appreciation for Mother Earth and all the creatures who feed and sustain us on a daily basis,
Your love of animals can help us to appreciate and respect all beings for the gifts that they share that we may be unaware of..

Let your light shine...ignite the fire of your passion and know the difference you can and will make for yourself and all of your family in the web of life.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fully Alive...
How often do we speak of our energy as being full or low during the day...without making the connection that this same energy is what keeps us alive and connects us with all that IS!! 

Many of us grew up thinking that "Creation was done" and we had the gift of living and enjoying our Home.
More and more we are all coming to know that our Home, Mother Earth is alive and growing daily.  Expansion and growth is a part of all that exist even when we can not see it.  WOW!!

When Earth "quakes" or moves, our Mother is doing something needed for her growth.  Some of earth's quakes are a response to humans invading earth's space in a toxic manner in a desire for more and more.

When we lose our sense of connectedness to our mother, we treat her body like a dump rather than in a way that respects her sacredness and life.

When we as humans take things into our bodies that make us ill.. we take immediate steps to regain a healthy balance.. More and more I am realizing that our Mother does the very same thing.
When she takes in things that are not healthy, she too, must take steps to regain a healthy balance.The sad thing is that when humans do not respect her as a living Being, she has to work extra hard and long to right the balance of all her being!   Ultimately.. what we do to Mother Earth, we do to ourselves.

Thank you dear Mother for your life and beauty...may we grow daily in our awareness of your incredible life and beauty and act in ways that nourish and reverence you.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How beautiful..
I've dodged this picture for a while and yet I can't get over how beautiful this little snail is!  From the very smallest of beings to the largest...all of creation is beautiful in unique and incredible ways! 

Take some time today to find beauty in places you least expect to find it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Making waves...
          I'm always fascinated by the ripple of waves, made in water by our actions, no matter how small!! The ripples let us know that an impact has been made... What kind of impact do we want to ripple out to all t we meet today? 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Don't forget...

When the thorns of your day begin to get to you..
look to the beauty of the day and
don't forget to laugh!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sunday, July 31, 2011

What a Gift we have been Given..
This quote from a book by Barbara Fiand really touched me today and I offer it as my gift to you!

"When you pray, allow the reality of God's unconditional love to embrace you. See God, at all times, as you would a loving parent--as one who cherishes you unconditionally; as one for whom you are utterly important; as one who knows your every need, shelters you in your vulnerability, and wishes you only good.  Remember that God has birthed you into being, that God treasures you with infinite tenderness, listens to you with infinite patience, and reaches out to you at every moment of your existence.  Dwell in this realization.  Allow it to suffuse your being.  Know it in your innermost heart.  Live it at your deepest core.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Heartfelt Prayer...

photo by Assunta M. Riley
Drenched in Holiness
Dear God, Spirit, Divine Mother,
On this day I ask you to grant this request...
May I know who I am and what I am every moment of every day..
May I be a catalyst for light and love
and bring inspiration to those whose eyes I meet
May I have the strength to stand tall in the face of conflict,
and the courage to speak my voice even when I'm scared
May I have the humility to follow my heart,
and the passion to live my Soul's desires
May I seek to know the highest truth
and dismiss the gravitational pull of my lower self
May I embrace and love the totality of myself--
my darkness as well as my light
May I be brave enough to hear my heart..
to let it soften so that I may gracefully choose
faith over fear.
Today is my day to surrender anything that stands between
the sacredness of my humanity and my divinity
May I be drenched in Holiness
and engulfed by Your love
May all else melt away
And so it is.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Let's not forget..

photo by Assunta M Riley
I do not want to forget the members of our family that are still dealing with the after affects of storms, rains and mud slides. Out of sight out of mind can ring true all to often. Although these family members are no longer highlighted in the news they still need the support of our love and care. May the abundance of our love and care bring them all they need to keep moving forward each day.

Let us also remember our family members who also have little or no access to air conditioning  fans or pools, during the heat of these summer days.  May we each take a few minutes to send them our love and care so that they know they are not alone in their stress and frustration. Having AC can make me/us forget those who do not and the sweat and misery they face on these hot days. 

For all family members, all beings, that they may know our love for them and that the energy of this love and care will give them what they need to move through each day with strength and peace. We love you and we care about what is happening with you.

Don't wait...

If you do not express your own original ideas,
if you do not listen to your own being,
you will have betrayed yourself.
Also, you will have betrayed your community in
failing to make your contribution!
                                       Rollo May

A reminder..

You can become blind
by seeing each day as a similar one!
Each day is a different one,
Each day brings a miracle of its own!
It's just a matter of paying attention
to this miracle.
                                                    Paulo Coelho

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Take the time...

to see the magic of your surroundings!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Aging and newness...

photo by Assunta M Riley
Aging has a remarkable gift...if we choose to act on it.  Too often "getting older" is seen as "down hill" or the end!  I can get caught in that trap as well.. however, I've come to see that aging is an opportunity for newness.
When we look at what we consider the unfinished in our lives.. rather than say.. too late.. why not say...lets give it a try..!!
Each day like tree we can appreciate the unfolding of our lives and all that we have been given.  We can also take note of opportunities for growth and completion of what we might have named as no longer possible!
May we gift ourselves by taking the time to see the beauty of the path we have walked  while at the same time seeing and taking the opportunity to Be and Do what we truly want to do!

 Never say never...Be the YOU you truly want to be....Do at least one of the things you thought it was too late to do...Affirm and give thanks for the person you are now....and choose to keep growing ...!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thank you, Mountain Lion!

While I was taking some quiet time this morning  I asked Spirit to give me something that Spirit knew I needed. I opened my book on Native Medicine and the page before me was a reflection on the gift and power of risk taking, with Mountain Lion given as an example of a being that exemplified and embodied that gift. 

Knowing very little about Mountain Lion I did a little research and found the following.

The Mountain Lion is native to the mountains of the Americas and is a highly adaptive feline, able to withstand the harsh conditions in the Rocky and Andes mountains. Mountain Lions do not hibernate and therefore undergo uncompromising winters.

Female Mountain Lions are extremely protective over their Mountain Lion kittens, which are born blind and are completely dependent on their mother until around 3 months of age.  After six months, the  kittens begin to hunt small prey on their own.  Mountain Lions have no real natural predators.

A few other interesting facts were: their top speed is 30 mph, their life expectancy is ten to wenty years and they live in a solitary manor.

Adaptability, is a key gift for anyone willing to risk!  Letting go of the known to explore and embrace the new also takes courage, strength and that Mountain Lion has to have in order to survive those uncompromising winters...and for us humans,  it can seem like a dark winter when unknowns are being explored.

What I also found interesting was that at a very young age, Mountain Lion Kittens understand protective dependency and not long after are being taught how to find food enabling them to hunt small prey on their own!  Are these not the same gifts our mothers strived to give us as children? 

Once again I am seeing that our family members in the natural world have much to teach us. Mountain Lion's unique gifts if taken to heart and acted on can make risk taking less fearful and more fruitful!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nurture and wait...

New life come in its own time...for all beings
and all species!
Give us the grace to nurture and wait!

The fruit of labor....


Monday, June 27, 2011

It's time to move....


The minute I saw this picture all I could think of was;  "You go first"!  It was time to make a move..and no one seemed in any hurry to go!!   Been there!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Take the time...

to relax....
reclaim Sunday as a time to stop...
be with
loved ones and/or
take some time just for you!!
we can slow down...
when we choose to!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

What stops us!!

The power, beauty and depth of this rock formation is amazing...the multiple layers colored within the rock speak to me of the layers of growth we all experience and undergo.  Some times we need to be willing to reach beyond the known and take the next step...What holds us back?

The following two quotes from "Behold.. I Am Doing Something New" a publication of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious challanged me and sparked my desire for more...

"Our duty as men and women is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not exist.  We are collaborators in creation." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ
"Very truly I tell you, all who have faith in me will do the works I have been doing and they will do even greater things than these" John 14:12

I can say yes to the beauty and power of Nature...Why can I not say yes to activating the fullness of the beauty and power that is within me?  What am I afraid of ? 

Dear Rock (my name for you does not do you justice, forgive me)  I yearn for the fullness that you reflect to me, give me the courage and willingness to actively stimulate and bring forth all that is calling to be birthed within me.. for the good of all creation.  Your very presence shows me the power of active patience, persistence and perseverance!

May each of us open the doors to the fullness of who we are...for the good of all!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Let us remember...

our sisters and brothers being affected by rising water levels
and floods.  Sending them our energy of love and care will help them
to know that they are not alone in their fear and sorrow.
The power of prayer and loving thoughts is more than we realize.
Think of those times in your own life when a simple word touched
your heart and lifted your spirits!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

See me with new eyes!!


Take a minute
 to really see
The fullness
of me!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Community of one!

The vibrant yellow and deep green of this flower caught my attention.. What also drew me to look more closely was the amazing number of petals in gentle layers.  This "one flower" was truly a community of many.

The intricate pattern of the core in the center adds another layer to this magnificent creation!  How is it that something so small can be at the same time filled with so many unique patterns and layers!

And I ask I see and appreciate the "community of many" within myself?   The layers, patterns and designs that make me!  Thank you dear flower for reflecting back to me my own community of one...
May I appreciate the layers and diversity within myself and others as much as I do yours!

And..with a smile I realize that the community of one in flower is even greater when I remember to include the stems, leaves and roots that made her flowering possible!! How can we doubt that we are a woven web of life...each and all of us together!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Risking new beginnings...

I wonder if Butterfly remembers life as a Caterpillar?   Moving slowly and close to the ground as opposed to having the option to land or take flight!! Wow!! Talk about new beginnings!!

So many of the day to day activities that were once so familiar are now new and different...from where I store my food and dishes to the view I have from my kitchen, living room and bedroom!  Taking an elevator from the third floor to get to the bottom floor and go to the car...rather than walking down 7 steps out the door to the parking lot. 
Needless to say, there are adjustments to be made...and a need to continue being open and willing to risk and embrace the newness. 

Thank you Butterfly, I have a new appreciation for your willingness to risk the unknown!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

New Beginnings...


New beginnings are wonderful and difficult.  With the help of many, for which I am very grateful, I have made the transition from living in Rhode Island to living in Nashua New Hampshire!!   I am blessed with a third floor apartment that I love, and other Sisters of Mercy in the same building.  The view from my living room windows is of gently swaying trees and constantly changing sky. 

My sister and I spent the weekend organizing cupboards in the kitchen and creating rooms of beauty, warmth and space.  Truthfully, my sister is the one with the gift for turning a house into a "home", a truly sacred space. We ventured out onto unknown roads in a spirit of "adventure"...finding success and getting lost..and finding our way home again.

 As the small green leaf comes into fullness and experiences what it means to be alive and to grow...we too, have the same opportunities for newness and growth.  As I watch the new green leaves experience the impact of a strong wind...I can almost hear their awe and their fear...!  Growth pains are real for all beings.   May we support each other as we journey into newness...realizing our strength and discovering new gifts and abilities!   Thank you for the Gift of New Beginnings!!