One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

As we moved through the rainy days with the sun peeping in and out I realized that I had a choice about how I would "look at" gray, rainy days!

 I often see the gray of the rainy days and determine ah what a gray rainy day..and that is not just an observation of the elements of the day but my "label" for how the day will be.  Gray and rain = yuck!!

I have chosen to see those gray rainy days in a different way... Like the brilliant golden yellow of this rose.. I now try to "Be the Sun" , on those gray rainy days.. If the sun is not visible.. I will be the sun for myself and those I come in contact with.  What a difference a smile can be for some one. I can do that.! I can acknowledge those I meet with a simple Good Morning..! 

I was walking down a long hall to an appointment when a woman passed me wearing a vibrant colored top that just made her I said" That color top is wonderful on you!"  She was taken off guard.. surprised and then said.. "You made my day!!"  Wow...her words brought my day more alive as well...Sooooooooo

When the gray days appear..I will Be the Sun as best I can... Like the song said many years ago : "You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine.. you make me happy when days are gray"....
Oh yes... and when the rains were not heavy, I chose to enjoy being showered by each and every drop!!

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