One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Community of one!

The vibrant yellow and deep green of this flower caught my attention.. What also drew me to look more closely was the amazing number of petals in gentle layers.  This "one flower" was truly a community of many.

The intricate pattern of the core in the center adds another layer to this magnificent creation!  How is it that something so small can be at the same time filled with so many unique patterns and layers!

And I ask I see and appreciate the "community of many" within myself?   The layers, patterns and designs that make me!  Thank you dear flower for reflecting back to me my own community of one...
May I appreciate the layers and diversity within myself and others as much as I do yours!

And..with a smile I realize that the community of one in flower is even greater when I remember to include the stems, leaves and roots that made her flowering possible!! How can we doubt that we are a woven web of life...each and all of us together!!!

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