One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Need...or .....Greed?
I recently received a letter from a group called "Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue"  The words "Stop The Meat Men" jumped out from the page.  Draft horses are considered to be very meaty and are bought at auction to be slaughtered. 

According to Gentle Giants, nearly 100,000 American horses are being trucked to Canada and Mexico for slaughter this year, with many being draft horses.  Their meat will be served on restaurant dinner tables in Europe and Japan.  There is no U.S. ban on horse slaughter!!   Three years ago the three remaining horse slaughter facilities were closed down at the state level due to public outrage.

"Efforts to pass the Equine Cruelty Act, which would have banned horse slaughter nation wide, died un-voted on in the Senate.  Furthermore, there are reportedly 12 states that are considering or working to pass legislation to allow the operation of horse slaughter facilities!!"

"The large draft horse breeds are especially sought out by the meat buyers, prized for their size as well as the fact that they are easy to fatten and have lots of muscle. Selling horses for meat is a lucrative and easy business, as horse meat is considered a delicacy  and is in high demand in countries like France, Belgium and Japan.

The above news was hard enough to take but my heart broke when they spoke of how the slaughter was  carried out! "Butchering in Canada and Mexico is a gruesome fate."  There is no USDA Inspector to supervise how the horses must be slaughtered.

"In Canada, the "captive bolt" method is not enforced for every horse, therefore, some may be slaughtered still conscious and struggling"   In Mexico, frightened horses are stabbed between their shoulders repeatedly until they drop to the ground bleeding, in pain and disabled."

Yes.. this is painful to read and I truly wonder... when will we humans  recognize and honor  the sacredness of all of the animals  and treat them accordingly.  When is enough..ENOUGH.. botth in the why we do something and the how?

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