One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Heart of the matter.. 
As we get closer to Thanksgiving it saddens me that this time of "giving thanks" seems to be jumped over and dismissed as less important than getting good deals on black Friday for Christmas..with black Friday now sliding back to black Thursday eve!!

For me Giving Thanks is the heart of daily living!  Each breath we gift...all Beings in the community of life give of themselves daily that all may grow and thrive.  As we choose our foods, snacks, treats and drinks let us remember how they came to us.

How many turkeys will give their lives that we may enjoy their crisp skin, moist meat and plump legs!

How many workers endure long hours in a field or on a truck to bring us all that nourishes us...!

And now, how many workers will have to cut short their time with family and loved ones because they are working late and long hours both Thursday eve and all day Friday. Yes jobs are necessary and money is tight...but...this is one day set aside for Giving Thanks!  How often do we take the time to do just that with those we love..?  Later...Of course I'm grateful but right now I need to get...? 

 Many of us have read about or know of times and situations where because of unexpected events, words of love and thanks to loved ones NEVER get expressed!  Oh I wish I had told him or her..I wish we had taken more time with....How much it means to each of us to hear..thank you...I love you... 

Giving Thanks is a gift of the heart to all we love and to the Source of ALL Life Who Is Love...
I pray we can find it in our hearts to take the time to Give Thanks...and may that expression of thanks be for us a treasured time of being with, in joy, laughter, hugs, fun and the making of lasting memories.

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