One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

We need each other!!
I needed to be reminded today of the gift we have in each other and all of the Beings that make up our world family!!   In order for each and all of us to be fully who we are...we need to recognize our connectedness to one another.

All of the Beings in this photo bring forth the beauty of each and every part!  Without each contribution there would be no "completeness"!  We may focus on the blossoms...yet ..they would not be in such focus without the contribution of all the other family members!

I was just wondering...what life could be like if we truly took note of and embraced the gifttedness of all in the web of life?  And I am not referring to just the gifts of "doing"....but also the gifts of "being"!! 

When I did parish work, I remember warmly a young man who could not speak and had to use a wheel chair!!  He had challenges, yes!!   Gifts..yes..!!  .His smile alone..would light up a whole room... if you were having a bad day..his smile would warm your heart and lift your spirits..  He understood what was going on around him and his facial expressions and gestures let you know how he felt.  He loved music and I enjoyed both the music and watching him, enjoying the music! 

What gifts, talents and treasures do we never become aware of  because we choose to ignore, label, and dismiss folks who are different from us?   She's old...He's an Indian and lives on a reservation...she can't speak English...he's got a funny name..what does he know? 

Let's take some time this week to get to know a member of our family that we might have closed our eyes and hearts to before!!  What are we missing that could enrich us all? 

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