One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Yes, there is Good News!!
Some days it's hard to believe that there is any such thing as GOOD news!  I am realizing that Good News is definitely available...I just have to take a little time to find it!  Good News can even come out of very difficult circumstances!

 All to often Good News is in my face...but I am blind to it because I don't take the time to really see it. I also take Good News  for granted rather than see it for the gift and blessing that it is!  A safe home...a healthy body...good sight and hearing.. a thoughtful service provider...a patient driver...thoughtful deeds by both loved ones and strangers...just to mention a few of the "taken for granted" gifts.

What does it take for us to truly see the Good News that is all around us?   For the rest of this month let's open our eyes and ears to all the Good News available to us, and  enjoy the uplifted spirits as we take in  the positive energy!

By the way...We can BE Good News as well...What is stopping us!!! 

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