One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, April 12, 2010

Come and eat..!

I went looking, on the web, for a picture of a bird that would help me share another very special experience with friends in Rochester New York. The close up of this little bird caught my eye and touched my heart. To be honest I can't name the type of bird that I met but it was the experience that has remained with me. We had gone to Rochester to visit and it was suggested that we take a walk on a trail, in the woods, not to far from their home. Fine with me. Our friends also shared with us, that there was the possibility of a bird coming to feed out of our hands, as it had happened to them. Oh how I wanted that to happen to me! At the entrance to the trail was a container of bird seed. We each scooped some up, holding it in the palms of our hands. We slowly moved along the trail, with our hands gently raised and palms flat hoping for a visitor. After a while, I just stopped, and stood very still, with my hands raised, palms up, and my eyes scanning the surroundings for any sight of a bird. To my joy, delight and awe, a small bird came toward me. Staying as still as I could, so as not to frighten her/him, I remember thinking.. Will you trust me enough to come and eat? She/He did just that! Landing gently on my outstretched finger tips this little creature stayed just long enough to take some food and fly away. I wanted that moment to last forever and I wanted it to happen again.. and again. It didn't and that was ok. I just savored what did happen and have never forgotten it to this day. Thank you, for trusting me, little one. May I live and act in ways that continue to honor your trust.

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