One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Just being with..!!

I was on a trip with friends several years ago and one of our stops was at a ranch where you would have the opportunity to ride a horse. I was excited and wanted to give it a try. I filled out the paper work that covered the possibility of injury and waited my turn to mount up and go! A young man held the reins and stood in front of a tall, beautiful, coal black horse, whose name was Lady, as I tried to get my foot into the stirrup. Because of the stiffness of my legs I was not able to do it as I needed more height. So, not to be deterred, I climbed a three step platform that would give me the height I needed to get up and on to Lady's back. I tried again. I got my foot in the stirrup but I was not prepared for the wide expanse of Lady's back!! This beautiful animal was BIG!! There was no way I was going to get my legs across the expanse of her back and sit, never mind ride. I did not have the flexibility it would take. Seeing my disappointment, the young man asked me if I would like to hold the reins and just stand with Lady! Yes!!! I was so grateful for his kindness and patience! Standing next to that Big and Beautiful creature, as she stood proudly in all her glory, was an incredible experience!! To look into her deep set eyes and to feel her notice the power of each movement as she gently shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she stood. I was awed and amazed!! What a beautiful being. What power and strength as well as gentleness and patience. I did not get to ride Lady that day..but I did get the opportunity to be with her up a way I had never experienced before. What a gift for me and I hope for her. Thank you Lady, the gift of your presence is still with me!!

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