One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Let's Remember Earth and Act!

I love trees! Their enduring, standing PRESENCE! Their willingness to go with the flow of what is. Their beauty in all seasons and especially for me, when they dance with the wind. As we celebrate Earth Day may it truly be a celebration, in that, we take some time to be with Earth. To connect or reconnect alone or together with loved ones, with her beauty, diversity, and deep wisdom. Come out and play..and know that when you do, you will be blessed with laughter, refreshment and peace. When I think of the enduring presence of "The Standing People" as some Indians refer to Trees, I am reminded of the constant giving of Mother Earth to the life, growth and wellness of all Beings. How many beings give their lives on a daily basis to nurture the growth of the Community of life! As we appreciate and celebrate this Earth Day, may our thanksgiving be reflected in concrete steps toward living in harmony with Mother Earth. One positive action by each of us, is better than "no action" because we really don't think it will make a difference! Just as a simple smile can make our day, one simple act supporting Mother Earth, can make Hers.

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