One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, April 12, 2010

Walk...Don't run..!

"Walk in the pain of your own footsteps..for a while"!! were the words I heard within, at a very difficult and painful time in my life! I had once again pushed my body to the limit and was flat on my back. This had become a pattern in my life. Denial was less hurtful than acknowledgement. So.. Sad to say, I chose to ignore these words. No way was I going to walk in pain.. I ran! Years went by before I began to realize the Wisdom of these words and the gift they offered me. Yes.. I said gift.. I had come to understand that denying, pushing down and ignoring pain was not the way of healing or release. If I truly wanted healing and release I had to "walk in the pain of my footsteps..! Walk .. not run..acknowledge not deny.. feel..not ignore..let the tears flow. Only then could I know true freedom and true joy. Like the Caterpillar in its cocoon..I had to walk into the darkness and take the time to see and feel what I had chosen to ignore for so long. My fear was that the process would be endless. I found, however, that taking the time to reflect on a regular basis brought to mind the issues that needed to be addressed. Writing my thoughts and feelings in a journal gave me focus, clarity and understanding. Walking in the pain of my footsteps for a while..truly was/and is a time of transformation. I understand myself better, am more honest with myself about myself, and honor my needs publicly and privately. I could finally leave the "Victim mentality" behind and move step by step in the direction of becoming the fullness of who I Am. I give thanks for the gift of cocoon stages in my life, because I now know that, like the Caterpillar, the times of seeming darkness, can truly lead to freedom and new life.

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