One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Daily gifts...

Thank you for the life you nurture and share...
Thank you for your beauty that
touches our hearts
and lifts our spirits! 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The unlimited gifts of each day...
Thank you golden sun
for the brightness and warmth
you bring to our days!

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Sound of Music....

After watching the  "The Sound of Music"
last night...
I heard the song in a whole new way....
It brought me to tears....
The hills are alive with the sound of music
with songs they have sung
for a thousand years....
We humans have lost touch with that
magnificent aliveness...
and the incredible number of songs
being sung each day!!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Gift that keeps on giving....
This Christmas
give the gift
that keeps on Giving...
Invite and encourage
family members
loved ones...
To be with
Mother Earth.
Enjoy the moon and the stars...
Notice the beauty
in your back yard...
Blow bubbles...
Have Fun.
your connection
Mother Earth...
She is truly
the gift that keeps on Giving!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Gift yourself....
As we move toward
the wonderful holiday season
with some time and some space
so that you can capture
and enjoy
the gifts each holiday offers.
Keep it simple
Make if Fun!

An inexpensive yet treasured holiday gift!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Do you know the gift you are?

Thank you
for this
beautiful rose...
May she be a reminder
to each of us
of our own beauty
and of the gifts
Take some time each day
to notice
The Gift of YOU!!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Thank you dear Mother...

I don't ever want to
take your love
and generosity
for granted.
May I remember
each day
to tell you
how much I love
and appreciate
all that you
to enrich,
 sustain and nurture 
all LIFE.
May my actions
reflect that love
honor and respect
the Sacredness
of all that
Share with us.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Don't miss this each day...
How beautiful....!
The deep color and shadows
given to us all
for free,
in our own
  night sky!!!
Thank you Luv!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The power of "Moods"...

Dealing with the ups and downs of each day
can be difficult.
I find it helpful to know that Mother Earth
also has her ups and downs in each day
and that her "mood" like ours, can be reflected in
numerous ways.
The changing cloud patterns and colors in the sky...
The changes in temperature that can spike high
and then drop low..
The changes in our ocean waters that can move from lapping and calm,
to rough and wild...
We see this too, with sister wind from gentle and calm to bold and fierce. 
The rapidly changing degrees of light, from bright and golden sun
to dusk, night and early dawn.
Each affecting the other moment to moment.
We see this every day
and yet today
I see it more clearly as
a way for Mother Earth and each of the Elements
as a whole
to share their "moods".
And we thought we were the only ones!
As intricate as change can be,
it is amazing to know that we
also can affect all of these moods,
our own, and Mother Earth's,
with the energy of our thoughts
and feelings...Wow!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Trumpet of beauty..

Just Enjoy!!

The Gift of Beauty...
The Gift of Beauty...
I love the way the gentle light
enhances the simplicity
of each branch!
Have we and our children
forgotten this gift of beauty?

Monday, September 9, 2013

What is your song?

Country Roads fb
Sing your unique song..
In doing so
will find the courage
 and joy
to do the same!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Is it just me?
In a conversation  about food,
I was saying that I considered all
the creatures, plants and animals
 that give their lives,
so that we are fed and nourished,
to be Sacred.
An immediate response was, "but
they are just animals, that's what they are
supposed to do...they are here
for our food."
I had a real hard time with the
Is it just me?
What would you say?

Monday, August 19, 2013

Help me to see as you see...

Let's reclaim
of the child
in us..
To see again
the wonders
all around us!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Refresh yourself...

Create simple spots of beauty
in your home,
so that when you are tired
or cranky,
just giving a simple glance,
will put a smile on your face
and help to change
your energy.
Make it something fun to do..
not work!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Celebrate the Gift YOU ARE...

If I'm going to Celebrate the Gift I AM
why am I using an image of Rose
that is flawed and not perfect?
So much of me was saying don't use
this picture... its not perfect!!
Why do I resist seeing markings
on a flower?
Our whole culture goes overboard
with adds and images
 that show flawless skin
and eternal youth.
Is the gift of Me truly dependent on
being flawless??
Just what is a flaw
and why am I
so resistant to flaws? 
Is Rose any less a Rose because of
her visible markings?
If I am only able to see myself
as Gift
when I am without markings..
I will never willingly
and joyfully
and delight in
the Gift
of Me!!
 I will be forever driven
by the need
to be flawless..
and that very drive..
will close my eyes
and my heart
The Gift I truly am!!
I choose
to see
I choose
to honor and celebrate
the Gift
Who I AM..
with all of my markings
and so called
I give thanks for my
I celebrate
my differences
as they
a wonderful sense
beauty in diversity,
and most of all
a true
Thank you Rose..
for showing me
the very real Gift
of you

Friday, August 2, 2013

A gentle hug...

Assunta M. Riley
May we take in the beauty and quiet..
even for a minute...
May that gentle quiet
hug you
as you move through

Friday, July 26, 2013

So simple and yet not!

Assunta M. Riley
I was complaining to myself..
another gray day!!
And then I thought...
Can't you make a gray day
a good day??
I had a choice...
what would I choose?
A gray day...
what I choose to make it?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The best of me...
This flower touched my heart
in the fullness of its giving!
Wide open
May my life
the same gifts...
May I choose
to become
fullness of who I AM!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Do you see all of me?
Just take a minute..
to enjoy the many elements
that contribute
to the beauty

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Beautifulfreepictures.                                                Peace...

Sunday, June 30, 2013

You, matter!

We hear the words
often enough..
do we
take them in?
"The power of one"
Flower would not be
her most vibrant self
Each and every one
creates the gift
We need each other!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Before and after..not quite..

A perfect reflection of
which is not quite
that clear cut.
The tightly closed bud
reminds us
of the
 slow and patient
toward its flowering.
the beautiful blossom
 the gift
 of that waiting time!
May we honor ourselves
and one another
as we journey through
our own waiting times
joyfully anticipating
the blossoming!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Let's glow..

The family of gentle golden petals
brings light to the dark soil.
Let's be that same light
on the gray and dark days!!

Let us also remember,
 the gift of the dark soil;
which provides the nourishment
and color
the golden petals
to so vibrantly
shine forth.

Is that not true
of our own lives?
We too
 shine forth
because of
the nourishment
and growth
during the dark times
of our own life journey!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

One step done..rather than none!

With so many things calling for my attention
I needed to remind myself
 of the power
One step..
One action...
One word...
can and does make a difference!
Take that one step...
you made a difference!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Know the power of your light...
On difficult days
I need to be reminded
of the brilliant fire of light
that gently
colors the deep darkness.
May we be that light
for one another. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

You lift me up....
Let the beauty of Mother Earth
Lift your spirits
Warm your hearts!

Friday, May 24, 2013

What stops YOU from coming HOME?
I love this flower!
Her vibrant color..
Her family of buds..
Her extended family
of white tipped stems...
As we take in her beauty
may we also
our hearts
our Mother, Earth...!
Come home
to living in a way
that honors Her Life
and the Life
of all Beings..
Coming Home
Connecting again
Our Mother
will rekindle in us
the willingness
to live
gift us
with improved health
weather patterns.
Will we hear
Our Mother's
Come Home!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

We are with you..

Prayers are asked
for all Beings
by Tornados
and other
changing weather
We are with you,
We love you
We Care!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The time we don't want to take...
I am fascinated by the
incredible number of petals
waiting to bud forth
within Rose.
Rose is smart enough
to know that
in their time
all of those inner layers
will come forth...
she is willing to
give each layer
the time they need.
like Rose..
have many layers
of growth
within us.
Are we as willing as Rose
to honor
the growth process
for each of those layers?
are not beloved words
in our culture..
Fast and First
better describe the norm..
How much happier
and healthier
we could be
 like Rose
 gave ourselves
the time we need
for all
that is coming to birth
within us!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Reach for the stars...
Tree is challenging me
to reach for the stars...
To reach out of
my comfort zone...
this same challenge
to reach upward and beyond
confronts me
as I read the book
"Lean In"....
A successful woman's
and the many times
she too
had to step
out of her comfort zone
and challenge
the many stereotypes
and barriers
women face
when they reach
positions of
leadership and authority!

It is time
for me
and for
all women
to risk
reaching for the stars..
and fulfilling
 our dreams...

In unity and diversity
let us no longer hold back.
Our gifts and talents
are needed like never before...
Let us choose
to speak and to act
To reach for the stars

Let's BE the change
we are waiting for!!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let the people of Iran know we care..

Our prayers are also with the people of Iran
who experienced a severe earthquake today.
Because of its depth
the fact that
 the epicenter was in
 a large unpopulated area
the number of deaths
was less than expected.
As thankful as we are for
the reduced number of deaths, 
this does not minimize
in any way
the pain and fear
currently being experienced.
Sending our love and prayers
can be a way of easing that pain
and helping the people of Iran
to know that they 
are not alone. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Send prayers, love, peace and healing..

Please send prayers, love, peace, strength and
to all those in Boston affected by the two bombs
that went off at the finish line of
the Boston Marathon!
It was reported that
Newtown Connecticut Family members
 were sitting in
VIP seats next to the area hit by
the bomb.
Love, peace, strength and healing
to all first responders
and those working in the hospitals..
Love, peace, strength and healing
to all families waiting word
of their loved ones.
Spirit of Love
Embrace Us ALL
with your strong

Sunday, April 14, 2013

A gift offered...

Thank you for your beauty...
Your color brings joy to my heart..
and the number of your family members
amazes me..
your petals
your stem
your leaves
your core,
with its own centered family!!
You are amazing
and I am
so grateful
your presence!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

How often do we think about it...?

How often do we remember
where our food comes from?
Really comes from....??
And.. when we remember..
how can we  forget
to say thank you?
Let's remind ourselves
and our children
Where our food comes from..
and take a moment
each day
to say thank you!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Urgent prayer...

Please pray
for our Sisters and Brothers
in Argentina,
who are experiencing
severe flooding...
Thank you.

Something to Celebrate..

What caught my eye was this blossom's uniqueness...
and the large family of which she/he is a part!
Whats even more amazing,
and something we often take for granted
that each blossom shares
the family traits
in their own unique way..
All are the same..
Nature is reflecting back to us
our own unique story..
Give thanks today
 for being a part
of an ongoing
and ever expanding family...
while also
your own 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

I never thanked YOU!
Dear Flower, I love you..
Your color and texture
reflect the large family within you.
You bring joy to my heart.
I thank you for reminding me
that you also give your lives
as we humans gather you up
to bring your beauty
into our homes.
Sad to say,
I don't remember saying thank you
to you
for your gift...
I have given thanks
when I have received flowers,
but I don't ever remember
saying thank you
to you directly.
Forgive me...
I will now
remember to thank You
for the gift of you
each time you
or a family member
come into my life.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

A key message for you...

you are loved
without conditions!!

A heartfelt reminder...
Remember how Loved you are...
Each day during this Easter Season
take a few minutes to look back over your day..
and bring to mind
all of the ways
large and small
you have been reminded of how loved you are!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I know...But!!

A-Z Animals
As we prepare to celebrate Easter
I see this precious chick in a whole new way.
My heart is broken after seeing a video
called "The Peaceable Kindgdom" yesterday at
a workshop at Rivier College.
The video presented graphic images of the treatment
of cows and chickens housed in "factory farms" here
in the United States.
Cruel, painful, horrible are a few of the words that came to mind as I watched through my tears.
These beautiful creatures give their lives
that we might eat...
and yet..
their sacrifice is not even honored or appreciated.
They are treated as objects...housed in a way
that insures large numbers, in a dark and overcrowded space,
so that their eggs and meat can be taken in as little time as possible for the cheapest over all cost!
And we think that our meat and our eggs
 are good and healthy?
I looked into the eyes of a terrified cow,
 being boxed in
and made ready for slaughter..
How is this healthy and good for ANYONE!! 
The frosting on the cake came when I remembered
something I saw just recently
 regarding pending legislation before congress.
A bill was being considered and may have already passed
that bans videos and pictures being taken at Factory Farm sites!!!!

The truth must come forth...
and the many creatures of our family
must be given the honor, protection
and sacred regard that they deserve.
They are giving their lives
that we might eat...
I know...

Friday, March 22, 2013

What stops us?

The unique dark shading in each flower
has drawn my attention...
Each flower has it...
yet each in their own unique way..
I also love the soft edging
on each petal...
Why is it so easy to appreciate
differences in flowers..
more challenging to do so
with our sisters and brothers??
What  challenges me/us
to see
or not see
the gift and beauty in another?
Am I willing to name it..
and change?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Time Out..

Feeling pulled in so many directions
and wanted to be in touch
with the vibrant
and gentle beauty
of our family members
in the natural world.
Thank you dear Family
for your vibrancy and peace.

Friday, March 15, 2013

A dream in process..and YOU?

Awakening to our ONENESS!
Respecting and enjoying our diversity...
Sharing our gifts and talents
especially with those most in need...
Re-connecting with Mother Earth
alone and with friends and family...
Taking time to STOP
for fun and relaxation....
For Me..
this is a dream in process...
What about you?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Hello Family...

Creator gave us to each other.
 Seeing this Mom
with all of her family,
reminds me that
"Our Family"
is much larger
than we realize.
So many Family Members,
bring us
the joy of song,
soft licks of Love,
gentle purrs of contentment,
loud barks of welcome,
and many
give their lives
that we might eat and be nourished.
We are so blessed..
Thank you Mom and little ones
I am so glad you are

Marked with Love...

As I look at this precious pup,
my heart melts.
He/she is marked with love
and I am reminded..
to treat myself
just as gently
and tenderly!!

Be the gift...

The bold beauty of Star. lifts my heart
on a gray day.
Let's be that same gift to some one

Friday, February 22, 2013

I finally heard it....

I heard it today!!
I've known it..
but I've chosen
not to hear it.
Today I heard it..
What you say..
What did I hear..?
I heard the roaring
train in my head
that says... Go..
Go.. Go.. don't stop..
hurry up.. you've got
to do ..this and this and this..!!
Even when I think I'm
The train whistle blows...
I made a choice
to stop and enjoy
what I am doing..
Right where I am.
The train is stopped..
and now I know
I have a choice..
It's all up to me.
Thank you dear Mother Earth
for your daily moment to moment
to stop
 the train!!
This time I listened
I heard..
I stopped!

Play time...!

I see you!