One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The power of "Moods"...

Dealing with the ups and downs of each day
can be difficult.
I find it helpful to know that Mother Earth
also has her ups and downs in each day
and that her "mood" like ours, can be reflected in
numerous ways.
The changing cloud patterns and colors in the sky...
The changes in temperature that can spike high
and then drop low..
The changes in our ocean waters that can move from lapping and calm,
to rough and wild...
We see this too, with sister wind from gentle and calm to bold and fierce. 
The rapidly changing degrees of light, from bright and golden sun
to dusk, night and early dawn.
Each affecting the other moment to moment.
We see this every day
and yet today
I see it more clearly as
a way for Mother Earth and each of the Elements
as a whole
to share their "moods".
And we thought we were the only ones!
As intricate as change can be,
it is amazing to know that we
also can affect all of these moods,
our own, and Mother Earth's,
with the energy of our thoughts
and feelings...Wow!!

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