One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, July 11, 2010


This sky blue fragile, strong, ice challenges me to see and admit my limitations! We do have our limits..and the changing weather patterns in our lives often make them more real than we would like to admit.
Strong, solid, ice...melts...cracks...and breaks! We are no different.. and yet there are times we'd like to think we are.
As I hold this image in my heart I realize that limits, change and death, as hard as they can be..bring about some form of newness.. If I am willing to see it....The strong ice is not lost...but has changed form...and is now water. This new form brings its own gifts and challenges.
This cycle, of life, growth, and death, we may see as undesirable and fearful, yet.. All of life..and all life forms live this cycle second by second.. We leave one home for another.. we grow from a child to a teen to an adult... rock becomes becomes water...
Thank you dear transparent ice for giving me the courage to see in our life, growth, death cycle more than death..death comes and if we are willing to wait.. so does life once again....

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