One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, July 12, 2010

Getting to know you..!

I don't think it would surprise us to find out that the favorite food of Grasshopper is ...Grass! We may be surprised to learn that Grasshopper can jump incredible heights and distances and that his/her life span is one year! There are 11,000 species of Grasshopper and a baby grasshopper is known as a nymph.
Grasshopper also has wings which means he/she can migrate over long distances when the weather gets to cold.
Thank you A-Z Animals for this unique information concerning grasshopper. The more I learn the more I appreciate the wonderful diversity and giftedness of our family.
When we were kids we thought nothing of catching grasshoppers and putting them in jars for our enjoyment. We were not trying to be mean, we just thought they were special and wanted to enjoy them as long as we could. Now that I know their life span is so short I want to shout to all our family members "enjoy them but let them be!!"
Isn't it wonderful what the gift of a little more information can do for appreciating one's family!
I will be watching very carefully to catch grasshopper displaying his/her jumping skills!!
Thank you Grasshopper.. I'm so glad to have gotten to know you better!

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