One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, July 11, 2010

See your strength...!

The stance of this beautiful Tiger says I know my strength! A stance of confidence and assurance! A powerful claiming of what is true within! Do I know my strength? Do I reflect in my own living that same sense of confidence and assurance?? Sometimes I think I do and at other times I'm not so sure. In a recent conversation with my nephew he raised a question that many of us have thought about.. Why is it we don't see our own strengths? Often it takes another persons observation and reflection to name for us that which we might doubt in ourselves. All the more reason that we need a community around us.. so that we can make visible for each other what we may see but question on our own. Once our strengths are revealed, however, it is up to us to claim them.. no one can do that for us! Thank you Tiger, for challenging me to see, name and claim my strengths, just as you do yours!
Thank you too for reminding us that it is living within our Pride /family and engaging with others that enables us to know and claim those strengths.

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