One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, July 16, 2010

A Heart to Heart with "Little Stream"

Little brook, little stream I heard you before I saw you..or was it sister wind rippling through the trees as we approached you? Your gentle song, gladdened and saddened my heart. Gladdened, because you sing as you give life and you and your song nurture me. Saddened, because I saw what a small stream you had become and wondered how much you would have liked to go deeper.
We humans have closed our ears and our hearts to your song. Closed our ears and our hearts to your needs. We treat you as an object for our gratification with no sense or willingness to sense your Being, your gift as you are!! We expect and demand that you fill our needs.. fill.. fill..fill.. as we deplete all that nurtures you, enlivens you and refreshes you.
We your blind and selfish kin do not honor you with that understanding of kin. We pollute your sparkling crisp clear essence and drown your song with the noise of more more more..with no thought of replenishing you or renewing you. I fear what you might say to us and you would have every reason to disown our kinship. We truly speak with forked tongue extolling your beauty on the one hand while objectifying you on the other.
How do we begin to heal our relationship do we become kin little stream? Is it yet possible or have we come too little to late?
" As you have said dear human, even in my little-ness I sing and move; you and others have honored that and that is a beginning. We are entering into relationship, a mutual relationship..Many are beginning to see me for and in my essence and fullness, rather than my doing..just as you humans are beginning to
realize the contamination of too much "doing" without valuing your essence your own fullness. Each of us then, needs to be nothing more than who and what we are in our fullness...To begin to realize this and recognize this is the beginning of healing and the renewing of kinship and relationship."
Thank you little stream, this sharing has gladdened me and amazed me.

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