One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Much more than weeds!!

How did these bright beautiful flowers become "just weeds" in our minds? For me, seeing their bright faces on the lawn as I walk, puts a smile on my face too. They are like droplets of sunshine dancing in the grass. Look closely and see the circular pattern and layers of petals, so delicate and yet so strong as you try to pull up their roots! I love to watch young children around the Dandylions. The joy of the child for the Dandylion is precious and real. It's almost as if they are drawn to each other. The child and the Dandylion appreciate the beauty of each other. Beautiful child meets exquisite weed here!! And as if that were not enough..the Dandylion has more to share with us.. At a workshop with Miriam MacGillis of Geneis Farm, we were reminded that the Dandylion transforms from a yellow ring of sunshine into a white fluffy almost transparent ball of seeds that are scattered by the wind as she ends her life into newness once again. (Little kids and us bigger kids, love holding that puffy white ball and blowing its seeds into the wind.) The Dandylion like the Butterfly, gives us a real and concrete understanding of growing into newness. Both are transformed from one unique form into another. Both make real Jesus words; Life is changed.. not taken away!!! And we humans say the Dandylion is only a weed?

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