One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, April 9, 2010

Where do we look?

I've been thinking..What if the solutions to many of the difficult questions being posed for the next generation are being birthed in the hearts and minds of those the human family chooses to keep at a distance? A prime example; In regard to the needs of Mother Earth I believe we should be asking for the wisdom of our Indian and Indigenous sisters and brothers.. yet we do not..What stops us? There's a saying that speaks to doing the same thing over and over again.. yet expecting different results.. When will it become real for us that If nothing changes, nothing changes! This applies even more to Where we look for answers? Some times the best solutions come from the most unexpected sources..are we willing to look? One other source seems obvious but maybe not..Will we also have the courage, strength and willingness to look within, to tap the Wisdom of the Source of All Life residing within us?? How often we pray.. Lord, make Me an instrument of Your Peace? What if the questions and possibilities stirring within our own hearts are the seeds of new life needed at this time? Will we speak? Will we act? Just where do we look for answers, possibilities, solutions?

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