One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The power of Light in the Darkness..

At the Easter Vigil Service, the lighting of the new fire, in a darkened church, touches me deeply. To see that bright bold flame of light surge upward reminds me that I am never alone even when I may feel that I am. The second gift of that Light for me is Hope.. Hope that out of the darkness comes New Life..Blessing..even when it takes a form that I may not quite fully understand at this moment. Knowing that I am not alone, and knowing that out of the darkness can come new life.. gives me the courage and strength to continue on the journey. I may not understand, I do not have the whole picture, but I trust in the Love and Faithfulness of the Source of all Life. Another key action of the Easter Vigil, for me, is the sharing of the new Light with all those present by the lighting of each candle held by each person. What a gift to see the darkness of the church lessened more and more as each candle is lit. What a powerful reminder that each of us in our own unique ways is light and hope for one another. I give thanks for Jesus words; Peace.. Be not afraid, I am with you always. May we all walk in that peace and assurance letting it flow to all we meet.

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