One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, January 20, 2011


This beautiful Cactus caught my eye and my heart.  Her rounded green and gold shape, her deep center, and the many layers of sharp needles leading to that center.  What's at the core and why are there so many sharp needles leading to it?  I don't know. I can find out, but only if I am willing to risk looking within.

What does all this say to me? Do I know what is at my deep center?   Why is it that I so diligently close off access to that deep center for myself and for those I say I love?

What would happen if I allowed access to that deep center?  What would I find?  The fragile parts of me/us need to be protected...yes...but if I/we never get to know those places within can they be healed?  If I am to become the best of who I am, that fragile core needs to be touched and healed?

Thank you dear Cactus for challenging me to take the steps that can lead to healing and freedom!  Give me the courage to take down my defenses so that I can know, appreciate and accept the fullness of who I am.

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