One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Like a Peacock.....

This is one magnificent bird! This is the male Peacock who is best known for his beautiful fan of feathers. I always thought that when his feathers were fanned Peacock was showing off, and in one way he is. 
According to A-ZAnimals, the colorful display of feathers by Peacock is thought to be used for mating and defense purposes. The male attracts a female mate by showing off his elaborate feathers and when the male feels threatened he will fan his tail out in order to make himself look bigger and therefore try to intimidate approaching predators.
Yes..there are times when I too can feel intimidated and try to make myself more important than I am. Yet the primary reason I chose to look at Peacock today was his power to attract!!   For so many years women have been encouraged and often told to down play their talents and gifts rather than display them proudly.  It is through the sharing of our gifts and talents that we can help ourselves and others to Live Life Fully.

Jesus was not afraid to offer the fullness of his gifts...He was not afraid to Be fully who he was...and his Presence attracted many.  There's a powerful line from the song "The Summons" that asks..."Does your life attract or scare?"  We have a choice...I choose to attract...what about you?

Thank you Peacock for your power of attraction may we all choose to shine in the most positive and life giving way possible, for the good of ourselves and for the good of All Life.

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