One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Will you help me?

This Associated Press photo by Charlie Riedel has haunted me all week as it speaks loudly and clearly to the impact of the oil spill. Why is it that in difficult situations it is always the most vulnerable who pay the dearest price!
Am I, as a caring human being, willing to change my life style in a manner that will enable me to live in harmony with all life? Will I as a caring human being and part of the web of life, think more carefully about the consequences of my actions for the long term, rather than act for immediate gratification of "my needs" alone?
"When do we have enough food?
Enough water?
Enough clothes?
Enough books?
Enough sense of self?
Do we even know
what enough is?"
Forgive me dear bird for the pain I have caused you by not being willing to say ENOUGH!
Forgive me dear bird for the pain I have caused you by not being willing to speak up on YOUR
behalf! The road is long..yet the longest journey begins with a single step.. I choose to take that step and to journey until All needs of all beings are recognized and respected!
Will you help me?

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