One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pest or valued creature?

I went back to the A-Z animal site and found Squirrel! I was saddened to see that Squirrel's life is also in danger! After doing a little more research I also found that Red Squirrels make their home in the United Kingdom not here. Although the following story was not about Red Squirrel..the story can be applied. Squirrels can be feisty and funny; funny as they creatively try to steal food from a bird feeder and both funny and feisty when they venture out on to the baseball field in the middle of a game! I actually saw this today in a news clip on the web. The game had to be delayed and some folks were not happy. I did not see the entire clip but the unexpected delay seemed to be the critical issue!! I love baseball, a important to us that we can't tolerate the presence of a lively and beautiful creature even for a little while? I think Squirrel might wonder just how much value his/her little life has in our eyes?

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