One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Paradise becoming Lost!

Did you know that a Hummingbird flaps his/her wings 15-80 times every second? Hummingbird is also the only species of bird that is able to fly backwards!! Sadly this fascinating creature is listed on the Endangered list. If you want to better understand the pain of Mother Earth for her children, take a look at the Endangered List on the A-Z Animal web site where I found this picture. The list is shocking in length and the breath of beings affected is heart wrenching. All I could think was.. we were given the gift of diversity and Life.. truly a Paradise and..we are moving toward Paradise Lost! Our loving God gave us a great gift, and some might say.. God would not let that happen..Our God gave us the gift of free will and will not take that from us. When will we take responsibility for our actions, and their impact on all life in the Paradise that we have been given?

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