One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Be different .. Be Yourself...!

Hello Lop eared rabbits, I love you. I was introduced to these precious rabbits when I read stories about them to the young daughters of a long time high school friend! The stories were part of a series and we all looked forward to the next adventure of the Lop family. The life of the Lop's became a window for exploring the gift of being different, especially after the Lop's were told they weren't real rabbits because real rabbits had ears that stood up! As one of the Lops, struggled with ways to make his ears stand up, the author and illustrator did a fantastic job of exploring and explaining the importance of being who you were, rather than trying to become like those around you. Over time each of the Lops begin to see that difference is a gift and nothing to be ashamed of. Thank you dear "Lops" for reminding all of us that our unique presence, just as we are, is a treasure beyond measure.

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