One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Why not me??

Some of my deepest insights come when I least expect and in of all places.. the bathroom!!

I am not a person who is comfortable with change and the unexpected.. I too often focus on the negative when fear shows its face. With the devastating and on going ramifications of the oil spill, the grieving families who lost loved ones, and those whose jobs are no more..the threat of tornado's in areas not used to having them.. along with the hurt and pain of friends and loved ones... !!! Fear had its hold on me!! This was too much! Why me.. I'm not strong enough.. What if!!

Very gently what came to my mind were the many peoples who have endured fear on a daily basis for a good part of their lives... Those living in war torn areas; the people of Haiti and Chile who are still trying to recover from major storms and earthquakes; those who have lived through Tsunamis; All families trying to live on $2 a day; the Amish people who witnessed horror and offered forgiveness and compassion; and so many more...

All of these folks are still walking the journey of step at a time. Thank you for your witness..!! Thank you for helping me to see.. not why me.. but why not me..we are all a part of the sacred journey of life with all of its twists and turns..dark and light..pains and joys. Let us draw strength from one another...let us give each other hope...and a reason to keep walking..

Lastly..thank you Mother Earth and all beings for your witness as well! You have blessed us abundantly even as we in our lack of understanding and in our conscious choice for MORE, have chosen to close our eyes to your presence, goodness and gifts! You too continue to give..when you have every reason to not!!

I will honor your witness..and take strength from all that you have endured. Like you, may I walk in Faith..and learn to sing in the darkness!!

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