One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, June 7, 2010

Possibillity in progress...

I went looking for more pictures of Butterfly and wound up choosing Caterpillar instead! I have not always appreciated these small long many legged creatures. The more I was thinking about them I began to realize that they reflect a stage of possibility in life. If it were not for caterpillar, there would be no Butterfly.. and each is uniquely themselves. How often we say..I'm entering into another stage of my life...and it is caterpillar and butterfly who concretely manifest that process. Who would believe that this worm like creature had the possibility of wings within her? I wonder if caterpillar believed in his/her possibility for wings? And what of ourselves? Moving through the stages of our own lives we say...who am I? Where is all this change leading? Am I, are we, willing to trust in our own possibility? Who knows, maybe we too will find our own wings, in our own way? Thank you caterpillar for helping me to appreciate the stages of my life and the wonder of possibility. Together lets inch our way step by step into the newness of who we are!!

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