One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Beyond Limits...!

Looks can be deceiving..this little bird is not physically challenged but gives the appearance of being so because of the angle of the shot. From my own life experience having lived with Cerebral Palsy all of my life..often times the appearance of limits..and limits themselves, often served to label or define someone, closing the door to undeveloped potential and gifts. We all have limits and some of us are willing to admit them and some are not. For a long time my identity was wrapped around "having CP" and I allowed it to define me. Until.. a very special awareness was given to me as I prepared a retreat talk in which I was talking about "my CP". Gently and quietly from within I heard "You are so much more than CP. You are a 'Golden Being of Light'. I was touched to the core of my heart and from that moment began to let go of my limited and narrow identification of who I was. I believe we are all so much more than we name ourselves to be.. May each of us see the "light that we are" and choose to move beyond limits into the fullness of our potential and our many Gifts.

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