One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, March 29, 2010

Have you ever?

If you are not an outside person ... you may have missed some great fun.. Climbing a tree.. sliding down a hill on a piece of cardboard..creating something unique with a cardboard box..jumping through a sprinkler on a hot day..planting your own vegetables or flowers and watching them grow..making music with a blade of grass between your fingers...laying on the ground to watch the stars at night... flying a kite on a windy day...blowing on the white puffs of a Dandelion...making piles of leaves and jumping in them... walking in the woods..crossing a brook when the water was low...jumping the waves at the beach..playing dodge ball till the lights came on outside...riding a bike to explore the neighborhood...blowing bubbles..the bigger the better!...watching a Caterpillar become a butterfly.. having a small bird sit briefly on your open fingers to eat bird seed...playing marbles..using your camera to log the growth of a flower from bud to bloom... Taking closeup pictures of the bark on the different trees in your neighborhood..identifying the different animals around you by their calls..putting up a bird feeder and enjoying the music and the playfulness of the birds.. And of course it's always more fun with friends.. I dare you..What are you waiting for??

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