One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Mother Earth"..

Most of us have not grown up thinking of Earth as Mother Earth. We have lost or never known that sense of intimate relationship and awareness of all that our Mother Earth provides. Mothers nourish in so many food, water, care, sensitive touch, joy, laughter and often silent presence especially when we are ill, or afraid. I see Mother Earth offering us the very same gifts... Diverse foods..the many varieties of apples, pears, squashes, greens and nuts.. (and the various soils that nourish each of these) water; rivers, lakes, ponds, puddles, warm and cold oceans..give us health, joy and calm. sensitive touch..hold the petal of a rose..see the gentle non glaring colors of a sunset..hear the gentle chirp of a small bird!! Joy and laughter.. watch the antics of a squirrel as he/she tries to navigate a bird feeder.. or a dog as he/she gives you a long look of love as you hold food or treats in your hand. silent presence; The strength of a tall old tree, the steadfastness of the Mountains, the stillness of a quiet meadow; your pets presence either on your lap, at the bottom of your bed, or sitting next to you as you read. What Gifts our Earth Mother gives.. And... there is so much more..

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