One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Monday, March 29, 2010

I am waking up..

For so long I have feared God more than truly Loved God..Thanks to growth, honesty and an openness to new understandings, over time, the fear has lessened. Today however, was a turning point. "I have been awakened to see with new eyes the Fullness of God's Love for Me!! and I say YES and Thank You. After reading a book by Joseph Prince, called UNMERITED FAVOR I was challenged to open myself up to and welcome in the Love that God has for me and let the Glory of God shine in my Life. I was hesitant to pick up this book as I had judged it as fundamentalist and not for me. As I began to read, however, I found that I was being blessed with a new understanding and realized that too often I close the door to blessing by "labeling" an Author or text prematurely. I have always loved the quote from St. Irenaus that says.. "The Glory of God is Man fully Alive"; of course being a woman and a lover of Mother Earth, I have adapted it to read, "The Glory of God is All Creation Fully Alive" Yet I have been reticent to risk living Fully in a manner that reflects the Glory of God in my own life. I have made progress and after finishing this book I am ready and willing to pull out all the stops, and live life to the full.. Rooted and anchored in God's Love and Abiding presence in my life. One of the quotes, from the text, that I keep repeating to myself, as a reminder of how God wants me to see myself is this: "I am greatly Blessed.. I am highly favored..I am deeply Loved..!! So Today..I begin a new chapter in my journey of reflecting God's Glory in Living my Life Fully!!

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